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What does “Xochitl” mean?

Xochitl, pronounced “so’ cheel,” is a word in the Aztec language, Nahuatl. It means “flower.” Specifically, it’s the name of a flower in southern Mexico, as well as a day in the Aztec calendar for creating beauty and remembering that life is short.

What dialect is “Xochitl” written in?

Xochitl, pronounced “so’ cheel,” is a word in the Aztec language, Nahuatl. It means “flower.” The Aztecs were a culture that lived from about 1300 AD to 1521 AD in what is now central Mexico.

Where are your chips and salsas made?

Our owner, Carlos Salinas, founded Xochitl, Inc. in Irving, Texas, in 1995, and we still make our chips and salsa here in the North Texas area.

Are your chips and salsa authentic?

Our recipes are traditional Mexican recipes passed down through the Salinas family all the way from Mayan and Aztec cooking methods, with only minor updates for product safety and sustainability.

What is palm olein oil?

Palm olein oil is an edible vegetable oil from the oil palm tree. “Olein” comes from the white part of the seed or kernel and is in a liquid form that can be used for frying. Palm olein oil requires less land to produce than other frying oils; it has a high flash point (which makes it less likely to burn) and a longer shelf life than other oils. Xochitl sources our palm olein oil from Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) providers, who produce their oil organically and sustainably, in ways that protect human rights, wildlife and the natural forest surroundings. All told, this reduces our carbon footprint while allowing us to use fresh oil for every batch of chips – which means better flavor for you.

What kind of pepper is a chipotle?

A chipotle is a ripe jalapeño that has been smoked and dried to create a unique depth of flavor. Try it in our Chipotle Salsa.

Do your salsas have cilantro?

We know cilantro is a controversial flavor that some people love and others hate. Our Xochitl Asada Verde Salsa contains cilantro, but our other salsas are cilantro free.

Are your chips non-GMO/gluten free/kosher/organic?

All of our tortilla chips are certified non-GMO, kosher, gluten free, cholesterol free, preservative free and trans fat free. Some of our chips are also USDA organic certified. Our salsas are all gluten free.

What does “non-GMO” mean?

“Non-GMO” means that there are no ingredients with genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are plants, animals or microbes whose genes have been altered, usually to improve survival, nutrition value or resistance to pests. While the FDA and USDA maintain that GMOs are safe for humans to eat, some people are uncertain about long-term effects and prefer non-GMO foods. Xochitl’s White Organic Corn Chips and Blue Organic Corn Chips are both certified non-GMO and USDA organic certified.

What does “organic” mean?

“Organic” refers to a set of regulations in farming which include avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers or genetic modification. For Xochitl, it means sourcing ingredients that follow those regulations for our organic-labeled products. The Xochitl products that are labeled “organic” are certified by the USDA.

What does “gluten free” mean?

Gluten is the protein that creates the chewy texture in food made from grains such as wheat, barley and rye. Some people are allergic to or sensitive to gluten. Our tortilla chips are made from corn and are therefore gluten free and safe for these people to enjoy.

What does “kosher” mean?

Kosher is a set of strict dietary guidelines followed within Judaism. All Xochitl corn chips are certified kosher by the internationally recognized third party KOF-K.

Where can I buy your chips and salsa?

Buy them directly through our website here, or find them at grocery retailers throughout North America, South America, Eurasia and the Middle East.

Why do your chips and salsa cost so much?

Quality – from the ingredients we choose to the way we source them, to the way we prepare them. Sustainable palm olein oil, organic whole kernel corn, sea salt, fresh frying oil for every single batch of ships – and some salsa recipes with cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil – are just some of the factors that cost a little more, for flavor that is so worth it.

How long does the salsa stay fresh?

Still sealed, a jar will stay fresh for up to two years. After opening, the salsa should be refrigerated, where it will stay fresh for about one month.

How long do the chips stay fresh?

The “sell by” date is helpful, though our chips, unopened, will stay fresh longer than that, if unopened. But we avoid preservatives, so ultimately, the fresher, the better when it comes to our chips.

Your product tastes different than it used to. Did you change the recipe?

We haven’t changed any of our recipes, but there could be a variety of reasons something tastes different to you:

  • Recent illness. Sinus issues and upper respiratory infections such as COVID-19 can affect your taste buds. This should go away with time.
  • Interference from other flavors. Some foods, such as pine nuts, can affect the flavors of other foods, even when eaten hours earlier. Try it again in a day or two.
  • Freshness of the product. Check the “best by” date to ensure the product isn’t expired.

Is your packaging recyclable?

Yes, our salsa jars and lids, and the paper portion of our chip bags, can be placed in your recycle bin. We also ship in recyclable cardboard packaging.

Are your chips and salsa sustainable?

Yes. In addition to recyclable packaging, we’re very intentional with the ingredients we source – such as organic palm olein oil. We use Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) providers, who produce their oil organically and sustainably, in ways that protect human rights, wildlife and the natural forest surroundings.

Who do I contact about an issue with my online order?

We want to help! Please reach out through our contact form.